No-nonsense, easy drinking and wonderful value for money, the Sollazzo capsule of wines show great typicity. Using a great blend of indigenous and classic varietals, Sollazzo is a range of excellent value-for-money wines which are produced for us in a state-of-the-art winery in the heart of Emilia-Romagna. Managed sustainably, along with Equalitas, ISO 50001, ETRS certifications, the aim is to ‘produce more, by doing less’ through water resource management, reducing carbon emissions and maintaining biodiversity in the vineyard to create balanced wines. Blended by our buyer, Steve Daniel, these wines are superb examples of modern winemaking at its very best and come highly recommended!
The 2022/2023 winter was mild, with below average rainfall in the northern part of Italy. Spring temperatures were above-average resulting in premature budbreak; however, May was abnormally rainy which caused a reduced fruit-set and increased disease pressure. Part of the vineyard was flooded for several days during mid- May. A dry and warm June and July helped to recover the delay and contained the risks of mildew. A dry and unusually warm August, September and first half of October saved the vintage.
The grapes are predominantly sourced from the rich and fertile region of Emilia Romagna, one of Italy’s most prolific wine regions, located between Tuscany to the south and Lombardy and Veneto to the north. The region’s geographical diversity plays a significant part in creating the different terroirs found in the region. The River Po links the rolling hills and the Apennine peaks to the west of the region, flowing through the low lying plains, to the vineyards influenced by the coastal breezes of the Adriatic Sea to the east. Each terroir imparts its own characteristic to the resulting blend.
The grapes underwent brief skin contact prior to being pressed. The juice was clarified and fermented in temperature controlled stainless steel tanks at 18 to 19°C with selected yeasts. The wine was made in an unoaked style, in order to retain the fresh and fruity characteristics of this blend.
An easy-drinking and refreshing dry wine with zesty aromas of citrus fruits, white floral notes and a mineral hint. Fresh on the palate with an Italian bitter twist on the finish.
Trebbiano 80%, Grechetto 10%, Pinot Bianco 10%.
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